Copy,  Journalism



This is Cyril. He runs a local bar and restaurant near Montauk.

In the middle of a legal battle between the town government and Cyril’s landowners, he was told his liquor license was going to be taken away (it eventually was postponed). I had the pleasure of finding him and taking his photograph.

I had never met the famous Cyril before. His restaurant is somewhat legend among people who frequent Montauk every summer. Everyone wants a BBC (Bailey’s Banana Coladaand a picture with Cyril.

And no wonder. When I came upon this specimen, he was sitting in the back of his restaurant at a table covered in papers and books. A good ol’ Marlboro cigarette between his fingers, Cyril allowed me to sit and scribble down the anger he wanted to unload.

“Can I take a photo of you?”

“Sure ya can, everyone takes photos of me.”

Read the story this photo appeared with pdf pdf 2